SheepMedical’s Dental Products Business Group is driving the digital transformation of orthodontics through research partnerships with notable universities, companies, and the utilization of the latest technological advancements.
SheepMedical offers modern solutions to prominent healthcare industry challenges by using advanced information technology to create a seamless treatment experience. Our digital transformation in healthcare provides first-class services that connect both doctors and patients with high-quality preventive care and treatments.
Built on the fundamentals of biomechanics, SheepMedical promotes the benefits of preventative care and healthy habits in disease prevention and symptom improvement. We develop products with biomechanical features, such as our orthotic insoles, that extend a patient’s healthy life expectancy through external treatments.
The human intestine, often known as the “body’s second brain,” is biologically positioned to influence physical and mental health. At SheepMedical, we strive to improve the body’s internal health by driving the adoption of preventative consumer products, such as our intestinal bacterial testing systems and supplements.
At SheepMedical, we actively invest in the advancement of preventative care with our innovative technologies and engagement in industry educational opportunities.